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You probably understand that it’s important for you to make cleaning your pearly whites a priority because your oral health can influence the health of your entire body. To care for your oral health, you need to brush your teeth twice every day and floss daily. Still, have you ever wondered what else you could consider doing for your smile? Luckily, one thing you may be able to do is adding mouthwash to your oral care routine.

You probably know that you can use mouthwash to eliminate bad breath quickly, but while mouthwash can improve your breath temporarily, it could also hide the cause of your bad breath. In other words, if you use mouthwash often, we recommend scheduling an appointment with our team.

Please don’t misunderstand: even though mouthwash can’t be used to cure bad breath, it can help you prevent bad breath. Specifically, antibacterial mouthwashes can fight bacteria and help you keep your teeth strong. You should also know that not all mouthwashes are antibacterial. In fact, most mouthwashes have fluoride in them, which can strengthen your pearly whites. Rinsing your mouth with mouthwash will also remove debris from your teeth and gums.

Some mouthwashes contain alcohol, which can help you kill bad bacteria. Fortunately, there are also alcohol-free mouthwashes, which are generally recommended for children and people with sensitive teeth. Some claim that alcohol-free mouthwash could be better for your oral health because alcohol may dry your mouth out.

If you’re interested in learning more about the benefits of mouthwash, or about caring for your teeth in Albuquerque, New Mexico, please don’t hesitate to give Ravago Dental a call at 505.292.6414 . Our dentist, Dr. Melissa Ravago, and the rest of our team will be happy to assess and examine your mouth and help you choose the best mouthwash for you. We look forward to hearing from you soon.