Bad Breath Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods

Did you know that bad breath, also called halitosis, is extremely common? It often has many causes, not just those manifested only as the result of the foods we eat. If your oral health routine in neglected, bacteria has a greater chance to thrive in your mouth. Bad breath results in nasty odors from your… Read more »

Increased Fluoride Exposure Can Improve the Mineral Strength of Your Tooth Enamel

Your tooth enamel is a dense biological mineral substance that gives your teeth the strength to chew food and resist the bacterial influence of tooth decay. Oral hygiene issues, acidic foods and beverages, and any delays in attending your regular dental checkup at can deplete the mineral strength of your teeth. Exposing your teeth to… Read more »

Dental Bridge: The Appliance that Can Bridge the Gap in Your Smile

If you’re missing one or more teeth in one section of your smile, then our dental team encourages you to consider your tooth-replacement options. One beneficial and effective way of replacing your missing teeth is to fill the gap with a dental bridge. A dental bridge is a strong and reliable dental appliance that has… Read more »

Smoking and Your Oral Health

You’ve probably been told that smoking can have a negative impact on your health, but did you know that smoking can also affect your oral health? While you probably know that smoking can yellow your teeth, did you know that you may also experience other issues? Similarly, would you be surprised to learn that e-cigarettes… Read more »

What You Should Know About Baby Teething Remedies

Your child’s first tooth is erupting above the gumline, which is both exciting and dreadful. Usually, your child’s first tooth erupts when they’re between four months and six months old. Typically, the last tooth comes in when your child is about two years old. However, while getting their new teeth is an important part of… Read more »

Mouthwash: The Benefits

You probably understand that it’s important for you to make cleaning your pearly whites a priority because your oral health can influence the health of your entire body. To care for your oral health, you need to brush your teeth twice every day and floss daily. Still, have you ever wondered what else you could… Read more »

Keep Your Smile Safe from Oral Accidents

Your smile deserves the best of care and attention so it can continue doing the wonderful job it is designed for, for as long as it can. The less we care and maintain our smile, the more likely it is to fail us quickly. If you practice safe and effective oral hygiene against all risks,… Read more »

Dental Crowns Can Reverse Your Frowns

Dental crowns are a cosmetic dental service often used to preserve damaged teeth so that they can continue working as intended without the need for extractions. As with most forms of cosmetic dentistry, you must care for your dental crowns as you would normally care for your teeth and gums. Always maintain adequate oral hygiene… Read more »

Find Your Smile with Dental Bridges

If you have any missing teeth or have teeth so badly damaged that they must be extracted, it is likely that your smile will suffer. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology and our expert team at , dental bridges can be used to get back the smile you may have lost. Dental bridges with restore your… Read more »

Super Smiles Are Forged With Safety in Mind

Super smiles are forged with safety in mind. If you would like a super smile, our dental superheroes at await your visit to fly into action and give you the smile makeover you desire. However, we may not be able to be around at all the times, but fortunately, there are many bad habits you… Read more »